逻辑coinglass IOS的概述
逻辑coinglass IOS(LB)是以蛋白质、DNA、酶以及整个活细胞为分子识别单元,通过生化反应方式进行信息输入,通过布尔逻辑运算对信息进行处理和加工,然后输出信息的装置。
Logic biosensor (LB) is a protein, DNA, enzymes and living cells throughout the molecular recognition unit, the input of information by way of a biochemical reaction by Boolean logic operation on the handling and processing of the information, and the information output means.
与传统coinglass IOS不同,智能化的逻辑coinglass IOS不是通过输入信号和输出信号一对一的定量响应模式来实现检测和分析的目的,它可以在复杂体系中,通过布尔逻辑运算向生物计算系统编程,从而同时反映多种目标物的存在以及相互间的关系。
With traditional biological sensors, intelligent biosensors not by logic input and output signals in response to one of the quantitative model to achieve the purpose of testing and analysis, it can be a complex system, by Boolean logic programming to biological computing systems to simultaneously reflect the presence of multiple targets, and the relationship between each other.
Biofuel cell (BFC) refers to an enzyme or microorganism as a catalyst, by way of chemical bioelectrochemical biomass can be converted into electrical energy, which can be used as artificial implantable miniature electronic device is self-powered energy development.
基于生物燃料电池发展的智能逻辑coinglass IOS将两者的优点相结合,可发展为智能化、微型化、不需外接电源的分析装置,已初步应用于医学检测、诊断以及药物的控释研究中。
Biosensor-based intelligent logic biofuel cell development will combine the advantages of both, may develop intelligent, miniaturized, no external power analysis device, has been initially used in medical testing, diagnosis, and drug release studies in .
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